University of Zanjan

School of Electrical Engineering


Welcome to Dr. Farhad Bayat’s Home Page

I am currently a faculty of Electrical Engineering Department in Zanjan University (ZNU).

Address: Room E-105, Electrical Engineering Department, Zanjan University, Tabriz road km 5, University Boulevard, Zanjan, Iran.

P.O.B:  313.
Postal Code:   45371-38111.
Phone:   +98-24-33054071
Mobile:  -------------------------
Fax:         +98-241-2283204
Email:     bayat.farhad [at],    bayat.farha [at]

*    Research Interests

1.  Optimal Control of Constrained Systems,

2.  Explicit Model Predictive Control,

3.  Robust Control,

4.  Satellite Attitude Determination & Control,

5.  Aerospace System Control.

*    Publications, Books and Technical Reports

*    Honors and Awards

*    My Curriculum Vitae (CV)

*    Sites of Interest

*    Photos


School of Electrical Engineering